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Practical information concerning school hours and different services offered beside the daily class program.

School hours

School days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The Middle School is also open on Wednesday morning.

Preschool (PS for 3 years olds, MS for 4 years olds and GS for 5 years olds) and CP: 8.30 am- 11.30 am/1pm-4pm ; Primary (CE1, CE2, CM1 and CM2): 8.30 am- 11.45 am/1pm-4pm.

Garderie is available from 7.30 am to 7.45 am and from 4.30 pm to 6.45 pm.

 Study hall and guided studies

Optional Study hall is for students from CP.  Study hall hours: 4.30 pm – 5.15 pm.  Either a teacher or an assistant supervise  students while they do their homework.

Devoirs accompagnés/help with homework hours: 4.30 pm- 5.15 pm. A teacher guides and helps a limited number of students doing their homework.


Canteen meals are delivered by a catering firm specialized in school menus. Students can also bring their own lunch box or be picked up to eat outside the school.

Registration and fees

You can register your child via the school website using  the scroll menu “Registration”.

Every year, on the first Saturday of the month of December, an “Open House” is organized. You can also call the school secretary and schedule an appointment and a visit of the school.

It is advisable to register as soon as possible as some classes are already full in January.

School calendar

EBiHS follows the school year calendar, zone A, proposed by the French Ministry of Education. Some changes can be made exceptionally to meet with the school specific needs.