Since the school’s inception in 2010, many students have benefited from English immersion kindergarten and bilingual education. A few generations of CM2s have continued their studies in the region’s colleges that recognize their very good level in English.
Since 2018, fifth graders have been able to stay at EBiHS to continue their college education and we look forward to reporting in these pages on their success in the institutions that our alumni or alumni will join later.
How are EBiHS alumni different?
Spending their school days in Annecy and speaking daily in English with their teachers from a very young age, doing math in French and English, spending time with children from the Annecy region and from all over the world, meeting families from Russia, the United States, China or Italy, discovering other traditions, other ways of seeing and understanding the world, taking on responsibilities, Learning to recognize one’s own emotions and those of others, being active and collaborating with peers in motivating projects throughout the year, using sports, music, art to express ideas and develop one’s imagination… This is what our students do on campus and why, over the years, they develop unique qualities to navigate in today’s world: to communicate well, to understand others, to collaborate, to take responsibility, to see problems from different angles, to remain curious, to enjoy learning all their lives, to name a few.
Our alumni all feel well adapted to their new college environments and are successfully completing their schooling.
Graduation day 3e class 2022

The 2021-2022 school year is an important year for EBiHS middle school. It is indeed the first year that a “3e” class (Year 10 or 9th grade) leaves the school and completes the bilingual programme of the middle school. Some of the students in this class had been at EBiHS since kindergarten…The circle is complete.
The results of the Diplôme National du Brevet – the exam marking the end of middle school – are very encouraging :
– 3 grades ASSEZ BIEN
– 6 grades BIEN
– 11 grades TRÈS BIEN
However, we cannot evaluate the training provided by EBiHS solely on the basis of the scores obtained in an exam. The values and “know-how” transmitted to the children throughout their schooling cannot be quantified. Here is a part of the congratulatory message sent to the students by Mr. Jarlov, Principal of the middle school, which sums up perfectly the state of mind of the school:
“This exam does not evaluate everything, and not always the essential. I am thinking in particular of the ability to work in a group, to communicate orally, with consistency, in a rich and elaborate language, to be creative and innovative, to be empathetic and a good listener, to understand other cultures, and to demonstrate other talents in other subjects, such as art or sport. Some of you may not have had the grades you needed to achieve honors, but you can be assured that you would be able to demonstrate many other important skills for the future, among those I have just mentioned, if you were given the opportunity.”
The results for the English section are excellent: most students have achieved the B2 level, which is normally taken in the senior year of high-ranking high schools in France. In addition, half of the class prepared for the IGCSE exam, an exam taken at the end of Year 11 in England. Almost all the students obtained a “pass” in English and Mathematics, which is a great achievement and shows their high level.
Our dearest 2022 alumni left for high school, either in private schools in France (40%) or Switzerland (10%) or in public schools in the Annecy area (50%).
What is important to note is that they were all accepted in the school of their choice.
The feedback from our students on the beginning of Lycée is positive. They are happy to discover this new world and, thanks to the solid foundations they acquired in Collége, they can follow the programme peacefully.
CM2 alumni in 2017

“At EBiHS I was very happy. We liked to learn, the teachers were very friendly, we made good friends. I really enjoyed the trip to York in CM2. And I’m very happy to speak good English! ” Loïs
“Since the opening of EBiHS in 2010, I have had nothing but great years and great times. In the beginning, there were only a few of us students, so I knew almost everyone. Since then, the school has evolved a lot and I have only good memories of it. In this school, there is a great diversity of nationalities, which allows you to discover many new cultures. These years at the EBiHS have given me a very good level of English that will serve me for the rest of my life.” Sofia