Tuition Fees

Tuition Fees

EBiHS is a non-profit (association) private school, entirely dependent on the tuition fees paid by families for its resources.
The school’s philosophy is to do its utmost to keep tuition fees at a reasonable level, while meeting the financial needs of a private school that wishes to guarantee an excellent quality of education and maintain premises that provide a pleasant and safe living environment for the children in Annecy.


FEES – 2024/2025 :


Entrance test
50– this fee covers the cost of an assessment for all new students entering EBiHS from CP onwards.
Contribution to the development fund
750 – this contribution, payable once on entry for each new pupil, is a financial contribution towards the long-term development and investment of EBiHS, including building maintenance and development of the school grounds.


Annual registration fee
400 – this amount is payable for all students enrolled in 2024/25 and is intended to cover the administrative costs of enrolment or re-enrolment. The annual fee may be increased during the year depending on the economic climate.


Tuition fees 2024/25


Annual payment
balance in 1 instalment
Monthly payment
balance in 8 instalments
Sept. 24 to april 25
Collège (6e, 5e, 4e, 3e)
7 340 €
7 540 €
Primary School (Nursery and Elementary) :
1st child
6 740 €
6 940 €
2nd child
5 860 €
6 060 €
3rd child and more
5 540 €
5 740 €
(Please note that registering a child at collège entitles you to the 2nd and 3rd child reduction at primary).


Additional charges may apply depending on the needs of each family:






Click here to see the tuition fees for the 2024-2025 school year


 Consultez ici les Frais de scolarité pour l’année scolaire 2023-2024


Tarifs périscolaires 23-24