Sean Wiseman

Born and raised in New Zealand, I have now been living in Haute-Savoie with my daughters for over 10 years. I have been in the world of education for my entire life. I have a passion for teaching that allows me to engage and inspire the students with whom I work.
Whilst completing my biology degree from the University of Wales, I started to work as a rock climbing instructor to help fund my studies. I continued this journey after finishing my degree, working as an outdoor education coordinator in Leysin (CH).
I knew quickly that I wanted to work full time in education and not only seasonally. During a return to the UK, I gained my teaching qualification from Cumbria University.
Since gaining my teaching certification, I have worked with students of all ages, but more recently Primary School aged children. I was very fortunate to work as an Education Coordinator for a university in Okinawa, Japan. This involved me being placed in the local Japanese primary school supporting the university staff’s children, delivering English language lessons.
More recently I have helped a Swiss-based edtech company which delivers educational programs in technology to school-aged children.
Beyond my personal experiences in education, I have also gained more depth and insight from my own family. Both of my parents work within education, one in special education and the other as a speech and language therapist. I would like to continue to develop my own skills in support and special learning support for students.