Practical information Wednesday & Holiday Club

Practical information Wednesday and Holiday club

Holiday Club annecy enfants
The Holiday & Wednesday Club are leisure centres run by the Ecole Bilingue Internationale de Haute-Savoie, and operate every Wednesday and during the school holidays. Activities are offered in English by bilingual, qualified activity leaders with extensive experience of working with children.
The Clubs are places where children aged 3 to 11 (from nursery to CM2) can socialise, learn and immerse themselves in the bilingual world. The pedagogical project is essentially based on immersion in English, which allows children to be in contact with the language in a playful setting, while taking part in varied and adapted activities: sports, artistic, scientific, cultural, culinary, theatrical, linked to the environment and nature, and so on.
We welcome children from all schools, both monolingual and bilingual.
Club a typical day
EBiHS – International Bilingual School of Haute-Savoie
2 rue du pré Paillard, 74540 Annecy le Vieux
Map if possible
Bus: Line 1 (Pré Paillard stop) / Line 5 (Bouvières stop)
Opening times
8am – 6pm
Reception in the morning between 8am and 9am
Meal included: 12 noon
Snack included: 4pm
Afternoon departure between 4.30pm and 6pm
Varied activities adapted to different ages
Treasure hunt
In the garden
Musical games
Art projects
Science experiments
Outings: Wednesdays, weather permitting
+33 (0)4 50 02 39 53 (reach 4)
+33 (0)6 17 24 19 35 during wednesdays and holidays
Petite section + Moyenne section (6/14 children)
Moyenne section + Grande section (15 children)
CP + CE1 (10 children)
CE2 + CM2 (10 children)
Material required

3-4 years old

  • A complete change of clothes
  • Small blanket and pillow


Ages 4-11

  • Rucksack
  • Water bottle
  • Sneakers

Opening dates and registration for Holiday and Wednesday Club

Club Dates Inscription
Summer Club 2024 08/07 to 12/07 

15/07 to 19/07

22/07 to 26/07

19/08 to 23/08

26/08 to 30/08

Children attending EBiHS: 27 May

Children who have already taken part in the Club: 28 May

New registration: 30 May

Wednesday Club 2024-2025 11/09/2024 au 2/07/2025 (tous les mercredis, hors jours fériés et vacances scolaires) Children who have already taken part in Wednesday Club: 20 May 2024

Children attending EBiHS: 24 May 2024

New registration: 31 May 2024


How to enroll? 
  1. Complete and send the application form when it is available on the registration page
  2. Your request will be processed within 5 to 10 days
  3. You will receive an email from us to confirm the place or add your child to our waiting list.