Chahéra Gourari

Chahéra Gourari

Middle school teacher. Mathematics (French)

I first trained and worked as a nurse and I have since lived in several regions of France, including French Guiana.

Out of interest, I’ve been working with and supporting children since the age of 16, alongside my job as a carer.

What was meant to happen, happened …. I became a Maths teacher in 2017 and earned the CAPES in Maths in 2020.

My primary motivation for teaching Mathematics is to support students in their learning by helping them to develop an interest in the subject through a hands-on and concrete approach to abstract concepts. My goal is to show how Mathematics can be applied to everyday life, thanks to my varied professional experience.

Similarly, as a yoga teacher, I help my students to discover themselves throughout their learning process.

In all of my teaching, I’m committed to helping children learn and discover their own potential. I do all this with patience, listening, kindness and rigor.

I’m passionate about an endless list of things in life in different cultural, sporting and other fields…

One comment that comes back to me from my former students: “You make us love Maths!