Catherine Chabert

As a French speaker, learning English has always seemed essential to me in order to deepen my knowledge and enrich my communication.
I have worked for many years in a number of specific early-childhood sectors: Maternity, Pediatrics and Nursery. To reinforce my skills, I trained in Clinical and Applied Psychology, which helps to improve human behavior. The aim is to help individuals evolve towards greater autonomy and personal fulfillment.
With all this in mind, I joined the EBIHS teaching team to provide support to students in Kindergarten and Elementary classes. I provide help and support to students in the classroom on a daily basis and work to improve individual and collective well-being. Observation and listening skills are essential qualities that I’ve developed to help me understand behavior, solve problems related to learning difficulties and promote each child’s development. Patience, understanding and open communication with parents enable me to establish a bond of trust with them.